Boot Linux
Boot Linux on Surface RT. Setup is a bit tedious but once the setup is complete it is very easy to use.
To boot Linux on Surface RT we use the Fusée Gelée cold boot exploit. See Fusée Gelée for further information.
Read all pages of the Linux topic carefully before you try to boot Linux
Boot Linux via Fusée Gelée
Extract BCT from your device
Build U-Boot with correct devicetree
Create a U-Boot boot script
Build Linux with correct devicetree
Build Root Filesystem for ARM32
Create/Get BootToolChain
Prebuild binary
Boot it first time
Place zImage, devicetree and boot.scr on first partition
extract rootfs.tar on second partition
Insert SD Card into the SurfaceRT
Go to to your BootToolChain directory
place your U-Boot 'u-boot-dtb-tegra.bin' in ./u-boot
If you have UART access you should see U-Boot boot process
Linux should be booted and be accessible via UART and/or show HDMI/Screen Console
Enjoy and fix issues.
Boot it again
If you have UART access you should see U-Boot boot process
Linux should be booted and be accessible via UART and/or show HDMI Console
Enjoy and fix issues.
Last updated