APX Mode (NVIDIA USB Recovery Mode) can be used to run Fusee Gelee or to use Nvidia tools to flash the hardware. https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=77286176&postcount=85
Note - you will need a USB3 port on your development computer.
Power off the SurfaceRT or RT2 (not sleep mode!)
When the device is shut off, plug in a USB type A into the Surface, and a USB type A (or type C depending on your development device) into your development computer.
Hold VOL-UP; Press PWR and release it. Release VOL-UP if dmesg -Tw
Once connected in APX mode, you can use NVidia tools or a precompiled Fusee Gelee on your device. Nvflash v2.6 - https://docs.toradex.com/103464-nvfl...ry-toolset.zip NvFlash tool for getting uid - https://web.archive.org/web/20160318...ools-win32.zip
Connect USB - A-to-A cable Write 0x00000002 to 0x7000E450 <- sets bit in PMC-register to indicate to boot to RCM Write 0x00000010 to 0x7000E400 <- reboot This should force reset in RCM Mode
Boot UEFI Shell as normal. use this startup.nsh